Karolis Live

MY Story

I'm Karolis Kazlauskas, 32 years old. I have a wonderful family, and we are raising a 3-year-old girl. I was born and raised in Kaunas, and in fact, even after mixing the world, I currently live not so far from where I was born. Today I know what I want out of life, have a strong vision, and understand why it is crucial. but it wasn't always the case..

When I was just ten years old, my dad died. My father and I always had warm feelings, a close connection. It was hard to come to terms with not seeing him again. Mom tried to bring me up on my own. We lived modestly, but everything was enough, for which I am grateful.

As a teenager, I became intensely interested in self-education, although I always had a penchant for it as far back as I can remember. I wanted to understand the inner world, always wanted to improve. I wondered how I could effectively master new valuable skills and improve in any field. As far back as I can remember, the main push into the realm of self-development was an unsuccessful relationship with a girl I liked. When they stopped, I became obsessed with personal growth, and I knew that how I behave and what I get was not innate or irreplaceable - we can improve and become better with skills

Looking back now, I see a perfect balance. If it weren't for the pain of inferiority at the time, it probably wouldn't have led me to such strong self-searches and incredible discoveries that I am infinitely grateful for today.

After graduating from school, I didn't even imagine what I wanted to be in life. My mother's great desire was for me to graduate from university - I couldn't have imagined myself otherwise at the time. I successfully entered the specialty of transport engineering, which later disintegrated into aircraft engineering. After graduating with a bachelor's and master's degree, and finally started working in an aviation job that seemed like a dream at the time.

Still, working in aviation led me to discoveries and explorations. While working with the aircraft, I had a flexible schedule, and I could plan the dates and durations of the holidays myself, which allowed me to travel wherever I wanted.

That time, guided by curiosity and self-search, I hitchhiked, and train crossed the Balkans and most of Europe, and in 2016 I spontaneously went to the jungles of Peru with a group of friends and acquaintances.

I spent almost a month in the Amazon jungle with the local tribes, traveling around the Cuzco Mountains for another few weeks. During that time, a lot of things had accumulated in me. I felt like I finally knew what I wanted out of life and got home. In 2017, I married the woman of my dreams, and a year later, I became the father of an extraordinary girl.

In 2019, my family and I lived in Switzerland. I had a well-paid job, but I became more and more aware that I was no longer satisfied with the specialty I had spent six years in and spent another eight years working and developing competencies in various countries. I felt like I wasn’t pulling my sleigh. I wanted some other in my life, but I still didn’t know what. The feeling in my chest made it clear that I had to try this one again.

Now it seems that the answer has always been around, only I didn't pay to see it. So when I went to search, I worked with coaches, mentors, I went deeper into myself. It helped me put together the answers, collect them from all kinds of clues, and look deeper into myself. I dared to see my true talents and strengths.

Finally, the saying goes: "The one who seeks - finds" I made it clear that I wanted to work with people, to help them. Since childhood, I have been empathetic, able to see the potential in others and help to grow it, but somehow, I "didn't want" to realize that it could turn it into the main activity.

Thus, in the summer of 2019, the project "Live Free" was born. I started to share the accumulated knowledge and started podcasts with various interesting people. The man who was my mentor at the time and contributed to my coup was a strong coach and great marketing professional. He encouraged me to start my own business, especially since the idea had fascinated me for a long time.

I started counselling people, finished training, and became a coaching and rebounding instructor. I met many great people, became a lecturer, mentor, inspirer, started participating in podcasts as a guest, and so on. The most important thing: I felt happy and gained the opportunity to push others towards happiness and success.

"Live Free" Mission

Live Free foundation's primary goal is to help people become free creators of their lives, independent of inner blocks, fears, or negative beliefs. Also, based on the individual intrinsic values of each person and the experience of successful people, to help discover direction, ideas and boldly follow their path.

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